
The application specifically designed for our industry is saving countless hours and is heavily depended on for our business operations. Prodev has been very responsive to our requests and has provided a state of the art user friendly solution.

Robert Risi, Trakar Products Inc.

The Change Management system developed with Prodev has eliminated a substantial amount of data entry while improving the integrity of records introduced to our MRP system. Now we can re-focus efforts on the technical details and process engineering changes efficiently.

Derek Newcombe, Technical Lead for Reman Drivetrain Components, John Deere - Phoenix Reman Group

Your software has been a tremendous help in increasing the efficiency of our Engineering Change Notice process. By using the application that you developed, I cut my ECN processing time in half. I now spend more time focusing on good design solutions, and less on repetitive data documentation, and that makes my job easier!

Dean Loebach, Product Engineer, John Deere Forestry Inc

I came to Prodev looking for a custom database solution to make sense out of years of text data that we received. You listened to our requests and presented a professional, 100% successful solution. I'm confident that your quality, expertise, and ethics will help you obtain future work within our organization.

Rob McWatt CET, Senior Partner, InStrat